Dear MoST,
We will have a Panera Tote with coffee in Rm. 4. Get your doughnuts in the Gathering Space and join us in Rm. 4 for the MoST meeting.
This Sunday, we will be discussing:
- MoST Monthly Social at 6:00 pm on Wed.,Jan. 8th at the Brokerage in WL (Next the new location of Brunos.)
- Parish Bible Study sessions: Feb. 4th, 11th, and 18th led by James McLean.
- The Beer, Wine and Cheese Celebration for the Parish will be at 7:00 - 9:00 pm on February 14th, Valentines Day.
- The Parish-wide Lenten Workshop on April 5th to be led by Fr. Patrick Baikauskas on “Building Bridges in Today's Divided Church”
For the MoST,
Vince Drnevich, Sec.