MoST Mtg. 10:15 am Sunday, 1/15/2025 in Rm. 4
Dear MoST,
Welcome to 2025! You are invited to participate in the many activities sponsored by MoST.
This Sunday, we will be discussing:
MoST Monthly Social at 6:00 pm on Wed.,Jan. 8th at the Brokerage in WL (Next the new location of Brunos.)
Parish Bible Study sessions: Feb. 4th, 11th, and 18th led by James McLean.
The Beer, Wine and Cheese Celebration for the Parish will be at 7:00 - 9:00 pm on February 14th, Valentines Day.
The Parish-wide Lenten Workshop on April 5th to be led by Fr. Patrick Baikauskas on “Building Bridges in Today's Divided Church”
Get the details in
Meeting Agenda at this link
For the MoST,
Vince Drnevich, Sec.
Sent by
Vincent Drnevich
on Thursday, January 2 at 8:52PM