1. (10/31) Social's Halloween Party!!
Everyone is welcome to the Social's Halloween Party right here at St. Tom's! Costumes are encouraged, but not required! However, there will be a costume contest, so do with that what you will! Come on down to Newman Hall on Halloween Night at 9pm for some fun Halloween festivities! From the wise words of Josie, our President, if you don't have plans come to St. Tom's!
2. (10/31) Meet International Catholics Halloween Party!!
This event welcomes both American and International students and parishioners. Everyone gets to share their conceptions and opinions about Halloween in the American culture; some people can tell a personal story too! There will be games to play, sweet treats to eat, and interesting company! This will be from 6pm to 9pm in Room 22!!
3. (11/7) Catholic Social Teaching Mental Health Panel
This November, as part of our Catholic Social Teaching series, we seek to debunk mental health stigmas and come together to support the needs of our community by offering a candid panel discussion about mental health on
Monday, Nov. 7, starting at 7:00 p.m. in Newman Hall (downstairs). To ensure that our panelists address those topics of most concern and interest among attendees for the November 7 session, please provide your questions and comments in advance at this link:
4. (11/1) Theology on Tap
21 and Up this is for you!!! Theology on Tap provides an opportunity to enjoy each other's company and discuss a theological topic. On Tuesday, November 1st, the topic will be "Good and Evil Spirits in the World" presented by Fr. Luan Pho and by others. We will meet at Harry's Chocolate Shop (329 W State St, West Lafayette, IN 47906), from 7pm to 9pm. (Attendants must be 21 or over)
5. (11/2) All Souls Day: Mass at Cemetery
Fr. Luan Pho will celebrate a Mass at St. Boniface Cemetery (2581 Schuyler Ave, Lafayette, IN 47905) on November 2nd - All Souls Day - at 12 noon. The Mass will be in the open, so please bring your own chair if you need one. According to the tradition of Church, you may obtain an indulgence for the souls in purgatory by attending events like this.
6. (11/2, 11/9) Wednesday Night Mass
Bring a friend and join fellow students for Mass at 9pm every Wednesday. We hope you can make it! Chant choir will be singing for every fourth Wednesday of the month. Also, we will serve hot chocolate or ice cream after Mass!
7. (11/3) Boiler Catholic Men and Women Crossover!--- Healthy Relationships Talk
BCM & BCW invite all Boiler Catholics to join in our monthly discussion meetings this fall on the topic of healthy relationships with Susan Hoefer from the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana. The first Thursday of October, November, December, February, March and April, we will meet in Newman Hall at 8pm to learn more about ourselves, our relationships and how to relate to one another. Join us for at 8pm Thursday, Nov. 3) !
8. (11/10) Hands and Feet cooking for LUM
Hands and Feet of Christ will be preparing dinner for our local homeless shelter on November 10th at 6:30 pm in St. Tom's kitchen. No cooking experience needed! Please come lend a hand!
9. (11/3, 11/10) Boiler Catholic Women
All ladies attending Purdue are invited to Room 4 at St. Tom's at 8PM every Thursday to foster strong relationships with other Catholic women and with God, to strive toward authentic femininity together, and to grow in faith! The First meeting will be on Sept. 8!
10. (11/3, 11/10) Boiler Catholic Men
All men attending Purdue, you're invited! Every Thursday at 8PM downstairs in the Siena Rooms, Men in any stage of faith come together for some healthy competition, community service, devoting time to the Bible, and much more
11. (11/4, 11/11) Exalt -- Adoration/Praise and Worship
Everyone! Every Friday this semester at 8PM in the Church, we have an hour of adoration with praise and worship, quiet reflection, and spiritual talks. With snacks after!!!
12. (11/5) IndoCats Fundraiser!!
IndoCats will be selling traditional Indonesian cuisine to fundraise for their retreat next semester! They will be selling "Nasi Kuning" for $12 each portions and an extra $2 for delivery. You will be able to pick the meal up on November 5th in the St. Tom's Kitchen or have it delivered to you! Pre-ordering is open until 11/3 at 11:59pm!
13. (11/12) Winterization!!!!
14. (11/12) Indonesian Mass
The IndoCats are having their annual Indonesian mass on Saturday, November 12 during the usual Saturday 5:30 PM mass. This is a great opportunity to learn about how the IndoCats celebrate mass in their home country. (All the songs and ritual will be conducted in Indonesian). For more info, you can send them email to indocatspurdue@gmail.com.
15. (11/13) Pancake Breakfast!
Students attending the Seek23 conference are hosting a pancake breakfast fundraiser open to all resident and student parishioners following the 11:15am mass in Newman Hall! Please help support students attending the conference this January and enjoy some delicious food!
16. (11/6, 11/10) Sunday Night Dinner
We have Sunday Night Dinner every Sunday for only $3 at 5:30PM in Newman Hall. Bring a friend! Eat, socialize, and have a grand ol' time
17. Help Needed: Music Ministry's Christmas Concert!!!
The St. Tom's Music Ministry is looking for musicians to put together a Christmas concert! The tentative date for the concert is December 8th. If you're interested, contact Jason Chamness (jchamne@purdue.edu), Isabel Gordon (igordon@purdue.edu), or Adriana Oropez (aoropez@purdue.edu).
18. Youth Ministry Tiny Saints Fundraiser!
St. Thomas Aquinas Youth Ministry (STAYMi) is participating in an online fundraiser with tiny saints!
20% of sales goes to our youth at St. Tom's. Shipping is free with an order of $30 or more. To participate,
click here, Tiny Saints® . When you are ready to complete your purchase,
go to the shopping cart. You will see an option that asks,
"Support a Fundraiser". Click, "No, thank you", and you will see a drop down list of participating parishes.
Saint Thomas Aquinas (West Lafayette, IN) is 7th from the bottom.
19. Looking for a Place to Study?
St. Toms was voted the #1 place to study by the Purdue Exponent. We have plenty of private classrooms if you want somewhere quite to study. You can also study in Newman hall and socialize with others!
20. Parking at St. Tom's
Students are not to park in the St. Tom’s designated spots during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). A warning notification is issued twice, and three-peat offenders are towed at the owner’s expense.
21. The Doors off of State Street
For everyone's safety, the doors off of State Street will be locked at midnight from now on. If you would like to come to the church after that time, enter through the doors off of Marsteller Street or off of the parking lot! Thank you :))
22. Looking for a job??
Are you a compassionate care-giver? Do you have a car? We have a resident parishioner, Linas, in Lafayette who is a quadriplegic and is looking for 9 hours/week respite care.
caregiver would give water or snack or meds to Linas, check his blood pressure and tilt/ recline him in his wheelchair with the push of a button. The position is Tuesday and Thursday 3:30-6:30pm and Saturday 3:00-6:00pm; pay is $12/hour. Training will be provided; no experience necessary. Please contact
dee@boilercatholics.org if you are interested.
Millie's Thrift Store is now in the basement of St. Tom's and they're hiring! If you're interested in working as a cashier please
contact sam@boilercatholics.org
23. Central Catholic FIRST FTC team looking for new mentors.
The CC Sparks robotics team at Lafayette Central Catholic Jr/Sr High School needs mentors for the 22/23 season. Experience on a robotics team is helpful but not required. Mentors guide according to their talents such as design, building, programming, business, social media, and strategy. The team can be flexible with meeting times to fit mentor schedules and mentors do not need to be present at every meeting. You must provide your own transportation to Central Catholic, 2410 S 9th St, Lafayette. Check out the FIRSTinspires.org website for general information about the FTC program. To join the team or for more info contact Carrie Vinarcik at cvinarcik@lcss.org.